Dados e Pesquisa

O time de Dados e Pesquisa acompanha de perto os resultados dos projetos, incluindo teleconsultas, teleinterconsultas, capacitações, índices de satisfação, indicadores de melhorias e resultados. Tal análise é convertida em projetos de pesquisa, o que nos permite identificar oportunidades, antecipar desafios, orientar estratégias assertivas para nossos clientes e parceiros, bem como compartilhar nossos feitos e expandir o conhecimento em diversas áreas. Nosso objetivo é contribuir para o avanço científico e tecnológico da saúde digital, além de compreender questões sociais relevantes e impulsionar o progresso em diversos setores. 

 Artigos publicados até o momento: 

Use of telemedicine to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil

Implantação de telemedicina de terapia intensiva durante a pandemia de COVID-19

Chronic lung lesions in COVID-19 survivors: predictive clinical model

Long-term respiratory follow-up of ICU hospitalized COVID-19 patients: Prospective cohort study

Tele-Intensive Care Unit Program in Brazil: Implementation and Expansion

Telemedicine in Brazil: teleconsultations at the largest university hospital in the country

Long-term functioning status of COVID-19 survivors: a prospective observational evaluation of a cohort of patients surviving hospitalization

Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: relationship of central nervous system manifestations with physical disability and systemic inflammation

Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC): a protocol for a multidisciplinary prospective observational evaluation of a cohort of patients surviving hospitalization in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 associates with physical inactivity in a cohort of COVID-19 survivors

Patient-Centered Outcomes Following COVID-19: Frailty and Disability Transitions in Critical Care Survivors

Dissipating the fog: Cognitive trajectories and risk factors 1 year after COVID-19 hospitalization - Link:

Ultrasonographic findings in long COVID: A cross-sectional study of 312 patients

Twelve Months and Counting: Following Clinical Outcomes in Critical COVID-19 Survivors

Functional impact on adults and older people after hospitalization by Covid-19

Implementation of Tele-ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic

Frequency and factors associated with hospital readmission after COVID-19 hospitalization: the importance of post-COVID diarrhea

Post-COVID-19 psychiatric and cognitive morbidity: Preliminary findings from a Brazilian cohort study

Clinical, sociodemographic and environmental factors impact post-COVID-19 syndrome

Cognitive Impairment in Long-COVID and its association with persistent dysregulation in inflammatory markers

Association between chemosensory impairment with neuropsychiatric morbidity in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome: results from a multidisciplinary cohort study

User Experience Regarding Digital Primary Health Care in Santarém, Amazon:Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction and Doctor’s Feedback

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